May 13, 1981

Transitioning From Defense to Offense


Watch the Setter, then the Pass, then the Setter
Stay out of the Setter’s Way, Don’t make the setter go around you
Stay on the Left (“On-Hand”) of the Setter, if at all Possible, until you come in to Hit (then move to where your set is going)
Always Go up for a Hit, try to draw the Middle Blocker (no matter how Bad the pass)
If at all Possible Middles on the Front row should NEVER Pass


Should Be out and ready to hit First (As soon as you see that the Ball is not going to you)
If the Pass is Bad Be ready for a Troubled Set
If you Pass the Ball, Pass it High, so that you have time to get out and take an approach


Wait and Back up for your Approach AFTER you see the pass
Be Ready to set the ball, just in case
When you see that the Setter can get to the Ball, THEN Get out for an ApproachOpposites need to always be ready to hit in the Back Row

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