May 13, 1981

Defense, Offense and Scoring Points

D e f e n s e
"Pull Them Out Of Their Offense"

Best Methods of Defense
1. A Tough Serve
2. A Good Closed Block
3. Good Coverage of Open Shots (Line, Angle, Etc.)
4. Tip Coverage

O f f e n s e
“Better the Ball!”

Best Way to Run a Good Offense
1. Good Pass
2. Eye on the Court (Hitters in Position)
3. Smart Set (With an Eye on the Defense)
4. Good Hit (Pushed to the Hitter)
5. Smart Hit
6. Power Hit

S c o r i n g P o i n t s

Best Ways:
1. Ace Serves
2. Stuff Blocks
3. Better Transitioning

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